Traditional marking strategies will get your B2B marketing only so far. Today’s business has to think outside of the box to grab the attention of not only the business but also the decision makers. B2B digital marketing has a tendency to feel boring and mundane, but that does not always have to be the case.
Adding a little bit of creativity to your current and traditional B2B marketing could yield large changes without breaking your budget. These simple hacks will get you started thinking outside of the boring B2B marketing box.
Spice Up Your Trade Show Presence
Trade shows have proven to be a great tool for B2B marketing. Trade shows offer you the chance to meet other professionals and businesses in your area. Take the time to think of fun ways to perform your demos or display your company information. Take a look around, pay special attention to your competition and find out what makes you different. Trade shows are a great way to do giveaways and drawings, offering a sample of your services to participating trade show members and audience.
Utilize Social Media
Have your target audience take a selfie and tag your company or use a hashtag at your trade show demo or display as a way to enter to win the drawing or giveaway. This gives your social media site more traffic and interaction with your target audience.
Want to get your fellow trade show business interacting with you? Turn your trade show into trivia night! You can use common trivia questions or even your company’s trivia and history to get people talking about your products and services. Using Twitter for fast reactions, you can ask a trivia question and the first person to answer you can win free swag from your booth. This helps you gain followers and interact with your audience. Let your audience know what you are doing with a flyer on your trade show table and let your followers know ahead of time with recent posts.
Leak Some Company Trade Secrets
Even though this sounds counterproductive, it is actually a very powerful tool. The people who are actively searching for you and your services are doing so because they do not have the education or the time to perform the services that your business offers. Letting your audience know that you are not only a leader in the industry but you are really there to help their business makes your audience want to come back for more. Leaking your trade secrets shows you have experience with the industry and positions your business as experts.
These small B2B hacks can really set your business apart from the competition. Not all marketing strategies are the same and not all B2B marketing strategies have to be boring.