Tuesday Tips Email Marketing
Posted by Sarah Wai on Mar 5, 2018 11:03:00 AM

"When I was assigned our weekly Tuesday Tips blogging task, for the first month, I just did what had always been done: I wrote a compelling marketing tip in blog form. The only thing was… no one was engaging, and we weren't seeing results.
I quickly realized that we needed to revamp our Tuesday Tips."
-Sarah Wai, Inbound Marketing Specialist
In November 2015, Tribute Media realized their Tuesday Tips campaign needed an overhaul. For some time, they were writing compelling tips in the form of blog posts with the hopes of engaging an audience they had built over the course of a year. However, they didn't see the engagement they hoped for, and so the journey to improve Tuesday Tips began.
In January 2016, Tribute Media created a new and improved way of sharing their marketing expertise through Tuesday Tips as an email marketing campaign.
When the Tuesday Tips blog was up and running in 2015, Tribute Media saw too few views and limited engagement. To engage the audience, Tribute Media went through a series of brainstorming sessions and implemented new processes that integrated the Inbound Methodology to create a campaign that consisted of a series of branded and personalized emails that pointed to blog posts as resources. These blog posts then reached a variety of buyer personas via smart content, persona-applicable CTAs and landing pages that brought them further along in the Buyer's Journey.
"When I was assigned our weekly Tuesday Tips blogging task, for the first month, I just did what had always been done: I wrote a compelling marketing tip in blog form. The only thing was… no one was engaging, and we weren't seeing results.
I quickly realized that we needed to revamp our Tuesday Tips."
-Sarah Wai, Inbound Marketing Specialist
The initial email in the campaign informed blog subscribers that there was a change, and there were many positive responses and feedback from leads that confirmed to Tribute Media that this was the right direction. As the email campaign continued, the Tribute Media team did a variety of A/B tests to continue improvement upon the initial model. Some tests were successful, and others gave Tribute Media the opportunity to learn and utilize different tactics for future email sends.
Through the A/B testing process, Tribute Media was able to identify different segments of recipients and get a glimpse into how those segments could be targeted in the future. Those lists were then used (and still are) to retarget and re-engage leads. The A/B testing still continues and will continue to ensure that Tribute Media is always improving and always drawing in valuable leads. The return on this campaign to-date has been very positive.
The industry average for a marketing services provider is currently:
7.2% email open rate
1% email click-through rate
14% email click-to-open rate
Current Tribute Media averages for this campaign are:
14% email open rate
2.1% email click-through rate
14.4% email click-to-open rate
In the last year, through the Tuesday Tip email campaign, Tribute Media has:
Driven over 16,500 views to blogs
Had over 200 clicks via social media sharing
From A/B testing, Tribute Media has improved internal processes by creating:
4 new landing pages
2 new forms
7 new workflows
20 new segmented lists
What started out as a marketing campaign has brought a steady stream of leads and resources to the Tribute Media sales department. By implementing this campaign, Tribute Media has ensured their sales department is always being fed quality leads which will drive them towards their company goals.
Written by Sarah Wai
Former Content, Email, and Social Media Marketing Specialist of Tribute Media. Bachelor of Science in Digital Communication Arts and Master in Business Administration.