Tips for Creating a Successful Company Blog
Posted by Sarah Wai on Jul 18, 2017 4:00:00 PM

It's unfortunate that we continue to see common misconceptions about the merits of blogging. Blogging may have gotten a bad reputation over the years, with (it seems) everyone who has an opinion having a blog, sharing their educated (and sometimes uneducated) opinions to the “blogosphere.”
Although that particular kind of blogging can be unprofessional and (many times) unimportant clutter, company blogs are actually a great way to upload fresh, relevant content to your website.
Clearly, we think so, or we wouldn't be writing this blog post. There are a variety of reasons blogging fits the professional sphere. For starters, it provides you with a platform to offer the plethora of web users interesting tips and information related to your specific industry. There are many authorities currently chiming in on different topics on a daily basis, and blogging allows your voice to be heard among the experts.
If you have done any research on SEO (Search Engine Optimization), then you have heard over and over again that fresh, relevant content scores you major points with the search engines. But most business owners are not writers, and the thought of writing a couple of blog posts a week, or even month, sounds like way too much work added to their already full plate. So they (maybe you) look to marketing experts to fill that missing portion of their marketing efforts.
Maybe you're a decent writer and feel you can write your own company blog, but don't have the know-how to get started. After all, writing for the web is very different than writing pretty much anything else. You may not be an expert on blogging, but that's okay. We've got you covered. Below are a few guidelines that should help you on your way to building a successful company blog.
Stay Within the Lines
There are a few key things to remember as you blog. First, it's a marketing AND sales tool, but ultimately your goal is to take a marketing approach FIRST and nurture (using other methods like email) later to encourage leads to buy from you.
Establish Yourself as a Trustworthy Authority
The purpose of your blog is to establish yourself as the expert in your market. This is not done by making every blog a sales pitch, but rather by using natural language and providing thoughtful and informative content to your readers.
Publish Quality Content that Supports Your Product and Services Pages
The more blog posts you create that line up with your product and service offerings, the higher your website will rank in search engines for terms related to your offerings. The key to success is to ensure that you place quality over quantity, as quantity can harm you if it isn't quality (try saying that ten times fast). Take the time to read, re-read, proofread, and have a second person proofread the blog post before you send it out.
Displaying Your Company's Humanity
Make sure your content is written in a conversational style and split up into small paragraphs, so it's easier to read. Let your company culture and personality shine (while still keeping it professional, always). Human-to-human marketing will always win out in the end, as it will never lose its ingenuity.
Reaping the SEO Benefit of Blogging
Aside from branding yourself as a reputable source of information, regular blogging also helps with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The Google algorithm loves fresh content, so every time the Google Bots scan the interwebs for new information, they’ll find your latest blog post.
Looking for more tips on blogging? We've got just the whitepaper for you.
Written by Sarah Wai
Former Content, Email, and Social Media Marketing Specialist of Tribute Media. Bachelor of Science in Digital Communication Arts and Master in Business Administration.