We have exciting changes happening at Tribute Media, and one of them involves the Tuesday Tips that you receive in your inbox every week.
Why would We do such a thing?
In an effort to make things easier and to create a better experience for you (and for us), we are implementing Tuesday Tip emails that give you that much more each week. We all love free stuff, but what do we love more? Free stuff with our free stuff. That is basically what we are doing for you in the future.
Instead of giving you "Tuesday Tips" as they have been previously known, we will be sending you our favorite and most informative blog of the previous week on Tuesdays. With that, we will send you links to blogs within our emails that fit the topic of the main squeeze. Free stuff with your free stuff. You're welcome.
You don't even know what Tuesday Tips are?
Let me paint a picture for you. You get to work on Tuesday morning, and you open your email. Amidst all the boring work emails, you see a golden ticket. That golden ticket gives you access to... Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory!
Okay, maybe not THAT. However, this golden ticket does leave a sweet taste in your mouth. You accept it, read it, and realize that this ticket holds the key to your next marketing strategy.
That's essentially Tuesday Tips. We'll provide you with useful tips on things you could do today to improve through an awesome email sent out each week (on Tuesday, duh!).
Excited yet?
Good. You're welcome.
If you have never signed up for Tuesday Tips and are thinking, "This is the best thing since Monday Tips," join the club!