Tribute Media | Inbound Marketing Blog

Be Public On Facebook

Written by Wally Narwhal | Dec 27, 2013 1:04:00 AM
Every smart business has a Facebook page.  It’s a free platform to introduce your brand and reach your target customers. The entire point of Facebook is to be seen by potential clients. This can become a challenge if your page is not public. If your page is not public then someone can only view what your business has to offer when they are logged in. It may seem like everyone has a Facebook account, but that is not an accurate assumption. If your client cannot view your page then an opportunity for potential loss for you and your business is created.

Tribute Media has had a Business Facebook page for a long time now. We take this platform seriously and we make sure to be active on it every day. It’s a way for us to have a relationship with our clients that is playful and professional. We are also able to get the word out about upcoming events on our page and share our work with our fans.

We noticed a couple months back that out Facebook page was not public. Our clients that don’t have a profile could not see it. This was incredibly frustrating to us because the web is such a huge part of our business. We checked all of our settings and it was public according to the privacy settings. We submitted a help report and looked through several online forums. This was a huge problem. We needed to fix it right away.

We are fortunate to be surrounded by web professionals. One of our talented developers stumbled upon a forum that he thought would do the trick. I followed the steps and stopped at number five. We had United States set as our country. That is where our business is located and so we never thought to change it. The moment I turned off the country restriction our page was public. Now everyone can view our page.

1. Login to Facebook
2. Go to your page
3. Click “Edit Page”
4. Click “Manage Permissions” on the left side
5. “Country Restrictions” If you have a restriction on then your page will not be public.
6. “Age Restriction” If you have a restriction on then your page will not be public. If your page is for a bar or is alcohol related you must choose “alcohol restriction” which means your page will not be public. If you don’t set the proper restriction you put your page and your business at risk for not being compliant.
7. “Moderation Blacklist” If there is anything written in that box, your page will not be public.
8. “Profanity Blacklist” If you have selected an option other than none your page will not be public.

We wanted to share our research and small victory with you. It’s been our experience that if one business is having an issue then others are as well. We hope you found this helpful and that everyone can see your page!